Magic Mead and Hamburgers- A Comparison Between Feasting in Anglo-Saxon England and in Donald Trump’s White House

It has happened to us all. Whilst getting ready for a dinner party, you go to the cupboard to grab the drinks/nibbles/party hats. However, “shock-horror”, you don’t have them in. This crisis recently faced Donald “god has it really only been two years” Trump. Yesterday Trump hosted the Clemson Tigers, the winners of the national college football championship, for dinner. However, due to the US government shutdown the White House is currently lacking catering staff. Not wanting to let the American Football players go hungry, the Donald came up with an idea. Rather than going into the kitchen himself, he ordered them 300 burgers, alongside pizzas and chips. That’s right. The US president has taken ideas on governance from the ‘Steamed Hams’ scene in the Simpsons ( ). "What if I were to purchase fast food and disguise it as my own cooking. Hohohoho! Delightfully devilish Donald!" Though Trump seemed very proud...