Donald Trump, Edward the Confessor and 'Telephone Diplomacy'

History is littered with great rivals: Ali V Frazier, Rommel V Montgomery, the ‘Compare the Market Meerkat’ and the ‘Go Compare Singer’. This week we saw the re-emergence of another one on the international stage. Now correct me if I am wrong, but Donald Trump strikes me as a man with several enemies. However, on Tuesday his greatest foe once again appeared in the oval office: the telephone. The weigh in: Some say the rivalry is faked for the media, and that Telephone is just using Trump as a stepping stone to get a fight with Anthony Joshua If you haven’t seen the painfully awkward phone call Trump had with the Mexican President on Tuesday, I thoroughly recommend watching it now (Link here: ). To summarise, Trump attempted to call President Enrique Pena Nieto in order to discuss their new trade deal. However, things quickly went south...