Lessons from history: Medieval Exiles and Catalan Independence

I wonder if when he arrived in Brussels last week, fleeing Spanish officials, Catalan President Carles Puigdemont thought to himself ‘well that escalated’. Back on October 1 st Puigdemont’s Government held a referendum on whether Catalonia should secede from Spain. Unfortunately, the Spanish government ruled that was illegal as Spain is ‘indivisible’. However, Carles did not accept this argument. Spain can't be divided? What an outrageous claim. Pictured: Spain divided by two . Instead he used the referendum result in favour of secession to declare independence. In response the Spanish Government has fired the Catalan Government and called new elections in the region, whilst Puigdemont and his cabinet have been charged with sedition, embezzlement and rebellion. What a ridiculous way to respond to a referendum eh? Whatever happened to just calling the people who voted differently to you moaners/racists whilst the government makes bland pointless statements to cover...